The operations that can be performed on the operand stack are all defined independently of any native processor's instruction set. 可在操作数堆栈上执行的操作的定义都独立于所有本地处理器的指令集。
Fetches the required operands from the operand stack. 从操作数堆栈获取所需的操作数。
Bytecodes describe calculations using a theoretically infinitely large operand stack. 字节码使用一个理论上无限大的操作数堆栈来描述计算。
Since y is specified in the output operand section, the updated value in% edx is stored in-8 (% ebp), the location of y on stack. 因为y是在输出操作数部分中指定的,所以%edx中更新的值存储在-8(%ebp),堆栈上y的位置中。
The virtual machine maintains the run-time environment, which is composed of code section, data section, function calling stack, operand stack, instruction pointer, etc. All that is good to the executing and the debugging of program. 并用虚拟机维护由代码区、数据区、函数调用栈、操作数栈和指令计数器等共同构成的运行时环境,控制程序的执行,有利于实现调试功能。